A downloadable game for Windows

In Boonaburra, you discover a mysterious place deep within the forest after hearing rumors of something that can grant one of your wishes, but with a significant caveat.

Like every platformer, you'll need to jump frequently.

Like every Metroidvania, you'll need to find power-ups to continue your mission. 


  • A pure platform experience, with many jumps and power up...
  • ... but in a compact size game, beatable in approximately 45 minutes.
  • Transformation that change the way you can play the game.
  • Online leaderboard
  • Multiple endings


The (beautiful) theme music in game is composed by NoEye-Soft.

Menu and end-game scene music were made by TAD.

Tiles are a modified version of the famous Cavernas by Adam Saltsman.

Sprites in the end-game scene are from Kenney Game Assets All-in-1 by Kenney

Some sounds fx were made by qubodup.

The title font is: https://ggbot.itch.io/kurland-font.

Note: This game was created for GameMaker Italia's Competizione 2024, and it won.

Updated 13 hours ago
Published 4 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker
TagsForest, GameMaker, jumping, Metroidvania, Multiple Endings, Pixel Art, secrets, Traps
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Italian
InputsKeyboard, Xbox controller


boonaburra_1.1.5.zip 67 MB

Development log


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I got stuck in this ledge...

(1 edit)

I also found a bug where quitting to the title screen after collecting one of the silver keys (the one where I had to collect pink stuff) automatically spawns in a silver key before I collected the pink stuff. This means that I could grind for silver keys this way.


Thank you for your reports! I fixed the first one, now I start working on the second.


New versione released! In v.1.1.4 these bugs are fixed

I forgot to tell you this, but the ending is untranslated.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the inconvenience :( I'll get to work right away to fix the problem.

EDIT: Fixed in version 1.1.5!